Sunday, April 5, 2009

Relay for Life 2009-- Columbia University

Dear Cancer,
I have two words for you...
Sincerely, Suzi


from right: Jackie, Victora, Alec (Suzie's taking the pic)
1pm: Superheroes Extraordinaires-- Our first shift of walkers

Jackie sporting our superduper SuperNerds eyemasks!

Alec and I

2pm: Zsolt enters the fray-- sporting the Pancho Villa look

From Right-- Alec, Jackie, Zsolt, Victoria
3:30 and we're freezing

From Right-- Alec, Jackie, Zsolt, Victora

From Right: Alec, Zsolt, Suzie, Jackie

4pm Alec and Alec Gross

From Right: Jackie, Zsolt, and Alec

Me, sporting survivor gear (took me nearly all day to work up to it... Thanks Myrna!)

Jackie and Aaron (Jackie's fiancee-- he wanted to stay longer but he had a 30 pg paper)
6pm: Aaron arrives with Oscar (below)

Shannon helps Sumit with his Mask
7pm Sumit Arrives! (Shannon arrived at 4pm)

Shannon and Sumit

From Right: Shannon, Sumit, Kristine, Alec
9pm: Kristine joins us!

From Right: Shannon, Sumit, Kristine, Alec

Sumit and Shannon
We realized she looked like a lion with her hood, hair, beanie

From Right: Shannon, Sumit, Kristine, Alec
9:30pm and we're walking :)

From Right: Shannon, Kristine, Suzie, and Alec

10:15 pm Listening to the Keynote speaker during the Luminaria ceremony-- A Barnard College Junior and three time cancer survivor

From Right: Suzie, Kristine, Sumit, Shannon
10:45pm Listening to the reading of names during the Luminaria Ceremony

11:00pm The commemorative lap in silence

The lap in silence

The Luminaria